From time to time I like to publish a response to one of my blog posts. I met Lisa Pardini at the New England Book Festival in Boston and would like to share her story. I think many of you will relate to her experience. Here’s Lisa…..

Last week I was reading Patty Kogutek’s newsletter and pondered the question she had posed.  While writing about her recent move, she discussed the blessings bestowed upon her family and the presence of Angels that became evident in unusual places.  She asked if others had similar experiences. As one of her readers, I decided to write in and share a story of my personal experience with Angels.  How could I not share the same with my own readers?  Below is what I sent.

November 28, 2011 was a sorrowful night.  That evening my sweet dog Lucy passed away in my arms.  She had been diagnosed with lung cancer just 12 days prior and her heart, which was damaged from years of breeding, wasn’t able to continue on.  Six and half years earlier, I had rescued my girl from the streets of Los Angeles.  She was dumped, no longer wanted in the puppy mill she had been enslaved by.  She wasn’t the only one.  Several teacup sized Maltese in horrendous health conditions were found the day I rescued her.

The best thing I ever did was rescue and rehabilitate my Lucy.  It took years for her to feel 100% secure.  Life in a cage will have that effect on any living creature.  Eventually she grew to trust that she was safe with me.  I gave her a home, good food and much love.  When we moved into our new house in 2010 she enjoyed the yard as well as the comforts within.  On the day we returned from the vets after her dreadful diagnosis, Lucy danced in her yard on her hind legs.  She was so happy to return!  I knew there was no place else my baby wanted to be and I was determined to give her the most wonderful time she could have while alive.
Our house felt different almost immediately upon returning that Friday.  I sensed the Angels around us. I began to talk to them and let them know I felt their presence.  I actually told them out loud that I knew why they were there and that I didn’t want them to take my Lucy away. Over the next two days I could sense their numbers increasing. It was the oddest feeling-like a circle of beings were standing around me. I could feel them, but I couldn’t see them.  In the end I sensed 7 Angelic spirits who had gathered in my home to assist with my Lucy’s passing and bring me comfort.
That last night I held Lucy in my arms wrapped in her favorite blanket and placed her over my heart – her favorite place to perch.  We walked around the house so she could say goodbye to each room.  All the while I felt surrounded by Angels.  I knew that she was going to God and they were there to collect her.  Two hours later she was gone.  I clung to her little body and cried deeply, weeping in a way I never had before.  I could tell I wasn’t alone, but my focus changed.  My heartbreak and sorrow took over.
Three years later, I was again hosting the New England Book Festival in Boston.  On this evening a pair of co-authors had been honored for their book The Growth of Truth and were on hand to receive their award.  The book is about the life of a psychic medium and the way her gifts affect her life.  As I approached them, Debbie (whom the book is about) began to display her amazing gift by channeling.  Immediately she informed me that 7 spirits surrounded me and that this was a large number.  I took the opportunity to ask about my Lucy.  She smiled and told me in detail how my dog had passed. She provided details that weren’t available to anyone! Debbie also informed me that Lucy wanted to thank me for the love and comfort I gave her and that her crossing over was like falling asleep.
How could I not immediately recognize the number 7? It was the number I sensed that evening – the number of Angels around me.  The comfort I felt was immediate.  While sorrow still resonates around losing my beloved dog, Debbie was able to give me peace with her abilities.  It makes me wonder if she too is an Angel granting gifts of healing to those of us with pain in our hearts.
     I you haven’t read the wonderful authors I discuss here, their works are available on Amazon as well as other booksellers.  Patty Kogutek is the author of A Change of Habit. Deborah Raymond-Pinet and Bonnie Meroth are the authors of The Growth of Truth, A True Story of the Heaven and Hell of a Psychic Medium.
Please take the time to visit Lisa’s blog site, “Tales of a Little City”. Here is the direct link: