Patty Kogutek, author of “A Change of Habit,” has helped thousands cure their anxiety, living “guilt-free.” Living as a Catholic nun for 7 years, and working her way through a 12 year failed marriage, Patty gathered “7 Secrets to Guilt-Free Living” that gave her the courage and the permission to finally follow her heart putting the expectation of others aside.
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Wise Men Still Seek Him
As we are busy packing up the decorations, taking down the tree, and wrapping the figurines from the crèche scene, we cannot lose sight of the holy day that we haven’t even celebrated yet. That is the feast of the Epiphany, ending the official 12th day of Christmas....
You Can Take It With You….
You CAN take it with you, and you SHOULD take it with you! I’m talking about all the love, peace and joy that you experienced over this holiday season. Take it with you into this upcoming New Year. Think of all the love that people showered on you in the days leading...
Christmas Note to Self
Christmas Note to Self The celebration of Christmas gives us that reflective moment to consider our own birth and our own “reason” to be here. Do you know your earthy “mission?” “What’s my purpose in life?” I asked the void. “What if I told you that you filled it when...