Hopefully we get into the habit of daily prayer. But what happens when your daily routine changes, maybe an illness, vacation or too many things on your “to do” list? At least for me my daily prayer is pushed to the back allowing my pressing issues grabbing my time and attention.
My dear friend, Jackie, who I befriended in sixth grade, recommended a book to me that helps put a “workable” approach to prayer especially during the times of our feeling “overwhelmed”.
Author, Anne Lamott gives us the “Cliff notes” of prayer, during these special times, when words fail us or we are pressed for time. In her book, “Help, Thanks, Wow”, the author discusses these three essential prayers.
The first prayer is merely “Help”…help those who are suffering. “Help” those in need”. “Help” our country. “Help” me get through these days without a family drama! Simply pray, “Help”. (You know how to fill in the blanks!)
The second prayer, “Thanks”, should be an easy one. “Thanks” for getting me through that interview. “Thanks” for my healthy child”. “Thanks” that I didn’t get a speeding ticket. A pattern of gratefulness builds happiness.
The final prayer, “Wow” takes your breath away. It’s the innocence in us that is breathless in the face of wonder. “Wow” is seeing the vastness of the ocean for the very first time. We are at a loss of words taking in the beauty of the Grand Canyon. “Wow” look at those wildflowers along the path. “Wow” look at Shamu! “Wow” look at that sunset! “Wow” expresses the “awe” that we live in, that we sometimes take for granted.
So with so many upset routines, for whatever reasons, let’s not forget these 3 quick prayers opening up our hearts in the right direction.