Heading into this New Year, it’s traditionally a time set aside for reflection. We take a brief look at our lives and assess our goals for this lifetime. People are pondering and planning what their goals are and what do they want.

The thinking and “resolutions” that they come away with are usually around ways to improve centered mainly on three areas – physically (I am going to make time for my physical work out), financially (I am going to save more in my retirement fund, and personally (I am going to be more patient with other drivers on the road).

These planned improvements will serve well, but I would challenge you to look more closely at the “feed and caring” of your soul. How do you inspire you? What excites you? What makes your soul sing?

Answering these soul searching questions will not only improve your happiness, but will also more clearly help define who you are and why you are here. Which in the end is the only real resolution that we need to make.

Pause and take an honest look at your life and see what really turns you on. Where and how do you want to spend your precious time and energy?

Let’s start!

List 10 things that inspire you. Maybe travel, certain books, music, 5-star dinners, walks on the beach, laughing, doing crossword puzzles, volunteering, movies….

Similar to using a kaleidoscope bringing shapes into focus, making a list can bring alignment into your life. Making a list forces you, not only for one right answer, but to take a little deeper look pulling answers from some unexplored side. (Where did that come from?)

If you have difficulty completing your list, take time and just watch yourself go through your days. Instead of living your life to please others, find out what really resonates with your soul of inspiration.

So as we begin this New Year, let’s use this list to incorporate more activities that will fulfill our true purpose in life, and we might even have a little fun along the way. After all is said and done, fun, enjoyment and happiness are really what we’re here for anyway!!

Happy New Year!