As we go about our daily routines we interpret our vision of what life really means to us. Because we live in community we can’t help but share it with others. By our actions we broadcast what our vision of life really is and what we value near and dear to us.

Behind every action and reaction there is a message. We are leaving a trail of communication behind us, whether we know it or not.

Recently I shared a “walk in the park” with close friends coming across a trail bench dedicated to a woman who volunteered on the trail from 1980. This woman’s friends erected and dedicated this bench to honor her 90th birthday. In part it read:

Happy 90th birthday, Anne Mayo – Beloved trails volunteer since 1980-

Teaching us each day:

Life is poetry,

Family is everything

Music lives in all of us, and

Adventure awaits down every path!

I could almost feel this woman’s energy and love for life. Life for this volunteer was an adventure to be lived, shared, and savored. I picture a joyous personality bursting with life and an open heart. Wouldn’t you love to be her friend?

This woman’s friends captured “Anne’s” philosophy from one of Shel Silverstein’s poems:

“How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live’em.”

Let’s “pick up” what Anne was “laying down”. Her vision and values make life an exciting walk on the trail to be relished every step of the way. The cheerful approach to life that Anne was broadcasting has been well received and recorded.

Our G-vite for today:

I ask myself, “What am I airing for others?” “What would my friends and co-workers write about me?”

So let’s go out and find the music in the lilt of our step, the poetry in our rhythm of life, and love in each family member making every day a “good” day.