As we hurry to finish our last minute preparations for this holiday season, our ears are filled with traditional Christmas carols and holiday music reminding us that it REALLY is the most wonderful time of the year. Why?

I believe that during this special time of the year taking the opportunity of this sacred season, we experience our true reason. It’s a particular time each year to recall just exactly who we are and why we on this earth.

There are 3 forces offering seasonal joy, or maybe not. It’s up to us to put the positivity into this holiday bazaar or it could swing in the opposite direction, being the worst time of the year. It depends on our attitude and response to the G-vite. (God’s Invitation to you).

1) Giving

Christmas is a time when we truly think of the needs, happiness, and wants of others instead of ourselves. We’ve all heard that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. Yes, giving to others pulls us mentally, emotionally, and financially out of our small, egocentric and selfish world. When we do truly give from the heart, we experience joy.

2) Connecting

Our hearts reach out to others connecting us at the very core. We see, acknowledge and recognize the Divine part of each other. WE resonate to who we really are. We are truly ONE …each person representing an individual shard of the one Eternal Light. We recognize this profound truth in a simple way during Christmas.

3) Loving

Giving plus connection equals LOVE. Yes, this is the season of love. What else would prompt you to drop your hard earned money into a red can with a stranger ringing a bell dressed in a funny looking red hat?? It’s the call to reach out, give, and “Love Thy Neighbor”.

When giving, connecting and loving all come together during this holy season the world seems full of peace and harmony. Oh, if we could cherish this feeling and live it all year long.


“That Christmas Feeling” by Perry Como

When the days of December are numbered,

And the earth begs its snowflakes to fall

That’s the time of the year that Christmas is here,

With peace and goodwill for all


How I love that Christmas feelin’

How I treasure its friendly glow

See the way a stranger greets you,

Just as though you’d met him Christmas’s ago!


Christmas helps you to remember,

To do what other folks hold dear

What a blessed place the world would be,

If we had the Christmas feelin’ all year!


Enjoy the wonder in this wonderful season!