Does your mind create the chaos of negativity?

“How stupid of me!” “ I should have known better.” “What an idiot!” Do any of these remarks sound like the negative tape that sometimes plays in your head?

We chastise ourselves for not meeting expectations. These expectations come from ourselves or others. We should been smarter, faster, or more perfect. But many times we miss the mark!

Instead of bashing ourselves with negative self-talk, we need to replace this negative input with words and thoughts of compassion and positive reinforcement.

Instead of loathing our own behavior, recalling God’s messages of love and acceptance would turn our losing frame of mind into the winning souls that we are.

God would say, “Oh, my child, you are so wonderful!” “I’m with you through whatever happens.” “You are made in my image and likeness and are an amazing reflection of the Divine.”

We all grew up with the spiritual lesson of compassion. We were taught, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” I would propose that most of us have to learn to “Love yourself as much as your neighbor.”

If you are challenged in finding compassion for yourself, try recasting your situation as a newspaper article. Pretend you are writing about your actions in your local newspaper. Write a short description about what happened on the third person (“That woman” instead of “I”). Just report the facts taking the judgment out. Refrain from using words of guilt of condemnation.

In doing this practice you will be more like a witness rather than a judge and compassion should flow more easily.

I found that this wonderful prayer also helps build compassion and self-love for the journey:

The Other Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself for not doing things perfectly, the courage to forgive myself because I’m working on doing better, and the wisdom to know that you already love me just the way I am. (Eleanor Brownn with 2 Ns)

Have a compassionate week…..