Last week I celebrated my birthday! Amid the thoughtful celebratory cards, special meals, desserts, and remembrances, I managed to carve out some special reflection time re-reading the words from Oscar Wilde: The two most important days in your life: the day you were born and the day you discovered why.

The book of Ecclesiastes also reminds us of this important message: that there is an appointed “time” for every event under the heavens…. A time to be born, a time to die, a time to laugh, and a time to mourn, etc. Everything and everyone is Divinely timed with Divine purpose.

It’s not by accident that you are here on earth, with this particular family, these unique friends, in these unusual situations. Everything in the Universe is Divinely timed for a reason. Look at the ocean tides, the orbiting planets, the majestic stars, the rotating seasons, and the blooming flowers. How can you be different from any other of God’s marvelous creations?

Forget New Year’s resolutions, birthdays are a wonderful reflection time. Your birthday is special to you alone; you and the God who put you here. The whole world is not celebrating the turn of another New Year.

The designed day is uniquely yours to reconnect with your Creator. It acts as a day to “re-up”, re-new, and re-affirm your commitment to come to ”why” you came to this earth in the first place.

Are you a “natural born” leader, healer, teacher, or maybe you were born to be caregiver, or do you bring innate organizational skills? It might be that your creativity brings a certain beauty that would go undiscovered, or perhaps you are a designated rebel to change the plight of the status quo?

Whatever your “mission” you need to remember that you have but one life, and I don’t know about you, but as I get nearer to the end, I don’t want to waste my precious time on earth. I want to make sure that I accomplish my “mission”, fulfilling my destiny. Don’t you?

Use each birthday as a special designed time to reflect on your reason to be on this earth: your “why”, your purpose; your mission.

Remember that there is a song that only you can sing. Belt it out!

P.S. If you’re afraid to count the years like I am remember this Chinese Proverb: “Every smile makes you a day younger.”

Enjoy your journey.